Parallel Session Directions

The parallel sessions will be held in the northwest part of the Columbia campus, shown in an expanded view in this map.  The coffee breaks for the parallel session will be held on Havemeyer Plaza.

Pupin Hall Rooms:

Sessions will be held in rooms 214, 301, 329 and 428 of Pupin Hall.  When entering Pupin from the north side of Pupin Plaza you will be on the 5th floor.  Please take the stairs on either side of the main entrance down to the 2nd, 3rd or 4th floor.  (Although 329 is on the 3rd floor, it also has a rear entrance from the 4th floor.)

Northwest Corner (NWC) Building Room:

Sessions will be held in 501 NWC.  Enter from the west side of Pupin Plaza, turn left and take the large stairway to the 5th floor.

Schapiro Room:

Sessions will be held in 415 Schapiro.  Enter from the east side of Pupin Plaza, and room 415 is on the left of the main corridor.

Uris Rooms:

Sessions will be held in 140, 141 and 142 Uris.  Enter from the east side of Havemeyer Plaza, and rooms 140 and 141 are immediately to your left, with 142 to your right.

Havemeyer Room:

Sessions will be held in 309 Havemeyer.  Enter from the north side of Havemeyer Plaza, and room 309 is directly in front of you.  There are two entrances, one on the left and one on the right.

Math Rooms:

Sessions will be held in 203 and 207 Math.  Enter from the west side of Havemeyer Plaza, and proceed down to the 2nd floor.  Room 203 is to your left and 207 to your right.